Corpus Journal of Social Sciences & Management Review <p>The primary objective of the Corpus Journal of Social Sciences &amp; Management Review is to disseminate high-quality research that spans the interdisciplinary intersections of social sciences and management. The journal welcomes contributions from diverse fields, including sociology, psychology, economics, business administration, and related disciplines. It strives to publish research that not only contributes to theoretical advancements but also offers practical insights for contemporary challenges.</p> en-US (Ayesha Khan) (Faran Ali) Sun, 31 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0200 OJS 60 Pakistan's export of agricultural products and its relationship to industrialization, energy use, and carbon emissions using an accelerated reaction time series analysis <p>This study aims to contribute new information to the existing body of knowledge by conducting an investigation into the causal relationships that may exist between Pakistan's agricultural exports, industrialization, urbanization, transportation, energy consumption, and carbon emissions. In order to investigate the short-run and long- run relationships that exist between certain variables over the course of four decades, the auto regressive distributed lag model (ARDL) has been used to evaluate time-series data. This has been done over the course of the past four decades. To determine which way the chain of events should be followed, the Granger causality test was performed. It is possible to draw the conclusion, based on the results of the unit root test, that all of the selected variables display stationary both at the level and after having undergone first difference. This is the case both before and after the initial differentiation. The proof that co integration exists among all variables was supplied by the bound test, which was carried out with a significance threshold of 1%. On the basis of projections made for the longer term, it is projected that a rise in the amount of energy consumed will result in a rise in the amount of agricultural goods exported. The increase in urbanization, improvements in transportation infrastructure, and rising levels of carbon dioxide emissions are all to blame for the drop in agricultural exports that Pakistan has seen in recent years. The escalation of industrialization, transportation, and energy consumption leads in a commensurate rise in the exportation of agricultural products in the near time frame. This growth is due to the fact that more agricultural products are being shipped out of the country. The simultaneous effects of increased urbanization and greenhouse gas emissions have a detrimental effect on the export of agricultural goods produced in Pakistan. On the basis of the findings of our study, we propose the implementation of environmentally responsible agricultural practised, the use of renewable energy sources, the development of technology that reduces carbon emissions, and the creation of a portfolio that focuses on the export of environmentally friendly agricultural products. All of these ideas are intended to reduce the negative impact that agriculture has on the environment.</p> Dr. Ali Khan Copyright (c) 2024 Sun, 31 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Strategies for Social Change in the Entertainment-Educational Media: Prospects and Challenges <p>In the latter part of the 1990s, a number of national governments were confronted with a variety of socioeconomic issues. These challenges included rising HIV and AIDS infection rates, unchecked population growth, and continued ethnic tensions. The environmental crisis and other problems are gaining more and more attention. This chapter investigates the potential applications of the entertainment-education media strategy to a variety of contemporary societal issues. In recent years, there has been a noteworthy success in the employment of a wide variety of entertainment media programming across Latin America, Africa, and Asia to effectively disseminate pro-social educational ideals. These kinds of entertainment media programming include print, radio, television, music, film, and folk media sources. The current discussion contains a complete examination of the nine key features associated with the entertainment-education method, which render it an appealing strategy for confronting societal concerns. This analysis was carried out in order to provide a better understanding of the approach. In addition, consideration is given to the components of the structure that have the potential to obstruct the accomplishment of the organization's pro-social goals. This chapter explores the benefits and downsides of employing this specific communication strategy with the overarching objective of supporting societal change, and it does so by analysing the pros and cons of the strategy in question. At the tail end of the twenty-first century, the international world is presented with a myriad of societal problems. These problems include the risk of fatal diseases, unregulated population growth, unstable economies, and impending environmental disasters. Because of the ever-quicker pace at which global political, social, and economic shifts are taking place, there is a growing demand for the development of communication tools that are not only just and effective but also socially acceptable. These technologies are absolutely necessary in order to address the many challenges that are currently being confronted by civilizations. This chapter investigates the usage of entertainment productions for the goal of imparting pro-social and educational ideas. Concurrently, a study of the institutional hurdles that put constraints on the utilisation of entertainment media for development is presented. It is possible that major societal advancement could be facilitated through the parallel exploitation of entertainment and educational opportunities.</p> Prof. Fatima Ahmed Copyright (c) 2024 Sun, 31 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Study Investigating the Influence of Corporate Social Responsibility on Consumer Purchase Intention <p>This study utilized a questionnaire to construct a comprehensive model that incorporates customers' intents to make a purchase, their opinions of the quality of the product, and the corporate social responsibility (CSR) of the company. The study subsequently examined the impact of corporate social responsibility (CSR) on customers' purchase intentions, with product quality judgments acting as a moderating variable. The findings indicate that the impacts on individual dimensions vary, and that Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) directly and positively affects customers' purchase intentions. The impression of product quality in connection to charity giving, legal accountability, and environmental responsibility favorably moderates customers' purchase intentions. Conversely, it has a negative moderating effect on the influence of consumer and economic responsibility.</p> Dr. Ayesha Jalal Copyright (c) 2024 Sun, 31 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Economic Development and Entrepreneurship: An Empirical Cross-Sectional Study <p>Entrepreneurship, which entails the establishment and operation of a business, is vital to the growth and progress of the economy. Entrepreneurs promote innovation, which is important not only for dynamic Schumpeterian competition but also for overall economic vitality. This work contributes to the existing corpus of knowledge on entrepreneurship by examining the correlation between entrepreneurship and economic growth through the utilization of cross-section empirical research. All early-stage entrepreneurship is classified into two distinct categories: necessity-driven and opportunity-driven. Additionally, in our sample economies, we differentiate between developed and developing economies. We find no evidence to support the notion that economic growth and overall entrepreneurship are positively correlated. This is logical in light of the extraordinarily varied nature of entrepreneurial activity. Furthermore, our empirical findings underscore the criticality of distinguishing between distinct types of entrepreneurship and economic sectors. Our research specifically examines developing economies that have a substantial manufacturing sector and finds opportunity-driven entrepreneurship to be positively correlated with growth. It is logical to assume that substantial scientific progress in the manufacturing industry would provide innovative entrepreneurs with an abundance of opportunities, whereas the services industry would experience a comparatively sluggish pace of technological advancement for other entrepreneurs.</p> Shibra Farooq, Haroon Shahid Copyright (c) 2024 Sun, 31 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Understanding the Relationship between Personality Types, Marketing Mix, and Buying Decisions <p>Bandung, a significant urban centre in Indonesia, has emerged as a significant hub for the fashion industry, with a continuous growth in the proliferation of fashion distribution outlets. This has led to Bandung's emergence as a notable hub for the fashion industry. Distribution stores are currently playing an important part in fostering the expansion of Bandung's fashion industry, which is a sector that has been given the name "distribution stores." The purpose of this essay is to shed light on the manner in which customers of restaurants in Bandung who have a variety of personality types evaluate components of the marketing mix, and how that evaluation influences the manner in which those customers make purchases as a result. In order to get the necessary information from customers, two totally different kinds of questionnaires were used. The use of a unique questionnaire, which also gathered data pertaining to the personality types of the consumers, was utilized in order to measure the customers' evaluations of the components of the marketing mix and their impact on purchase decisions. This measurement was carried out in order to determine how the customers felt about the marketing mix. After that, the data were analyzed using techniques such as multiple regression and discriminant analysis. The findings suggest that there is meaningful connection between the personality profiles of consumers and their evaluations of the many elements that make up the marketing mix, which in turn influences the consumers' purchasing decisions. The results of this research can be taken into consideration by those who are interested in better comprehending the routines of Bandung distro customers. This is done with the intention of assisting distro managers and business owners in the development of effective marketing tactics. In addition, it is important to point out that most previous research has focused its efforts on the quantification and evaluation of the various components of the marketing mix. On the other hand, the current research makes a significant contribution to the academic debate by diving into the complexities of client behavior. Specifically, it sheds light on the manner in which customers with a variety of personality qualities evaluate the components of the marketing mix, as well as the impact that this evaluation has on the purchases they make.</p> Dr. Pervez Hoodbhoy Copyright (c) 2024 Sun, 31 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Economic Expansion and Ease of Doing Business <p>Using panel data from the World Bank's Doing Business report spanning 2006 to 2016, I calculate the influence of ease of doing business on the per capita growth rate of GDP. To account for out-of-strategy-state dynamics and extra business climate indicators, the study includes supplementary explanatory variables, namely the lagged value of log GDP per capita and the Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI). I gather critical evidence that the ease of doing business has a statistically significant impact on the annual growth rate of GDP per capita. The estimated coefficients of the Doing Business indicators, on the other hand, had no statistically significant impact on the yearly growth rate of GDP per capita for the entire sample. Subsample indicators, on the other hand, have a statistically significant influence. Furthermore, when the sample was subdivided according to country income group classifications, a diverse range of results appeared. Certain metrics appeared to have an adverse relationship with the pace of growth in per capita GDP. Based on hypothetical growth rates expected for 2006 calculated from the Doing Business indicators for 2016, certain countries have enjoyed economic growth as a result of improvements in the ease of doing business. The findings support the premise that the ease of doing business has a major impact on economic growth; however, the impact varies among country groupings.</p> Nousheen shah, Ihtesham Yaseen Copyright (c) 2024 Sun, 31 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0200 How College Students' MBTI Personality Types Relate to Their Levels of Emotional Intelligence <p>In the current investigation, a descriptive correlational design was applied to investigate the research aims in a manner that was methodical and scientific. The primary objective of this study was to look into whether or not there is a connection between emotional intelligence (E.I.) and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) among-st a group of students enrolled in a college or university. In order to collect the necessary information for the study, researchers used two different questionnaires: the first consisted of 80 questions relevant to the Myers- Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), and the second consisted of 33 questions centred on Emotional Intelligence (E.I.). In order to collect data, a sample of sixty master's students was selected at random from the National University of Modern Languages in the Islamabad district of Pakistan. This sample included both male and female students studying for their master's degrees. In the course of carrying out an analysis of the data, numerous statistical procedures, including the mean, the standard deviation, and the correlation, were utilized. It has been discovered that the INFJ personality type, which is characterized by introversion, intuition, feeling, and judgement, exhibits higher levels of emotional sophistication when compared to the extrovert personality type, which is characterized by extroversion, sensing, thinking, and perceiving. This is due to the fact that INFJs are more likely to rely on their own feelings and intuitions when making decisions. The primary focus of this research is on the association between emotional intelligence and the Myers-Briggs type indicator among students enrolled in university programmed.</p> Dr. Arif Naveed Copyright (c) 2024 Sun, 31 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Gendered ideas about leaders: Do they affect leadership in higher education <p>This article examines the research that has been conducted on gender stereotypes, leadership styles, and the efficacy of higher education institutions. In addition to this, it discusses the implications of this research for the fields of social psychology and organizational development. The distinctions between the two leadership archetypes of "friendly vs. competent" and "aggressive vs. communal" set the setting for a discussion of social psychological studies that investigate how stereotypes influence the decisions that are made by leaders. There are additional methods available for overcoming misconceptions and incorporating feminist concepts into leadership styles that are prioritized. There are numerous gender stereotypes that have a significant impact on the ways in which women and men behave in every aspect. In the domains of social psychology and organizational development, gender stereotypes help us understand how women are perceived in settings when they need to be leaders, as well as how women see themselves in those contexts. The manner in which men and women lead tends to vary, which has an effect on how effective leaders are seen to be. This study compares descriptive studies of gender problems in education leadership with studies of leadership in other settings in order to investigate how this body of work may be used in higher education leadership. Specifically, this study looks at how this body of work can be used in academic administration. In addition to this, it provides strategies for overcoming preconceived notions and expectations.</p> Dr. Rubina Saigol Copyright (c) 2024 Sun, 31 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0200 New evidence from Pakistan utilizing asymmetric analysis on the link between energy use and GDP growth <p>The current body of work on the relationship between energy consumption, agricultural output, capital investment, and economic expansion in Pakistan is enhanced by the findings of this study, which offer an important contribution to that literature. In this study, the application of the Non-linear Auto regressive Distributed Lag (NARDL) model was expanded to include time series data spanning the years 1971 to 2014. The findings of the NARDL test offer empirical evidence indicating the presence of unequal co-integration among the variables in the data set. It has been demonstrated that there is asymmetric causality between positive shocks in energy consumption and economic development. Specifically, it has been found that energy consumption precedes and influences economic growth. A feedback effect can be produced when there is a reciprocal relationship between agricultural and economic growth, as can happen when there is a positive disruption. The relationship between capital and economic growth follows a unidirectional pattern, which means that disturbances of either a positive or negative nature might have an effect on the relationship. In a similar vein, the use of a Granger causality test indicates the presence of bidirectional causality between energy consumption, agriculture, capital, and economic growth. This is the case because the test finds that there is a correlation between the four factors. The authors of this paper argue that decision-makers should reconsider the policies that are currently in place for the agricultural and energy industries. It recommends the attraction of foreign investors for the development of new hydroelectric facilities as a method to meet two major objectives: securing the provision of energy to the industrial sector and mitigating water shortages. As a means to address these two key objectives, it advises the attraction of foreign investors for the establishment of new hydroelectric facilities.</p> Dr. Asad Liaqat Copyright (c) 2024 Sun, 31 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Review of Literature on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) <p>The objective of this study is to present a comprehensive analysis of the subject matter and investigate the impact of corporate social responsibility (CSR) on employee attitudes and behaviors. The varied perspectives from which scholars approach the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) are clearly apparent. In the year 1970, Milton Friedman emerged as a prominent academic figure who authored an article on the topic of corporate accountability. Following this, researchers started to critically analyse the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), shifting from general debates about the legitimacy of CSR to exploring alternate perspectives in order to achieve a more thorough understanding of the concept. Nevertheless, the predominant focus of previous research conducted on corporate social responsibility (CSR) has mostly centred on a macro-level perspective, with much attention placed on examining the relationship between CSR initiatives and financial performance.</p> Akram Junaid, Rahim Yar khan Copyright (c) 2024 Sun, 31 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0200